These wonderful and insightful Torah email subscriptions are sent out daily or weekly.

Living Emunah - Rabbi David Ashear

Please subscribe to this amazing and moving email series. It has changed my life and can give you more peace and joy in yours.

5 minute powerful text and audio daily emails on emunah that crystallize Torah ideas into bite-sized lessons that speak right to the heart. Rabbi Ashear combines Torah insights, amazing stories, and chizuk that everyone can appreciate. There are also currently 5 books available in the Living Emunah series based on the emails.

Aish HaTorah - Weekly Email

Weekly emails available on the parsha, spirituality, the holidays, and more. The advanced parsha email is an insightful compendium of thoughts from over a dozen Rabbis including R. Wagensberg, R. Leff, R. Fohrman, and R. Frand.

Chabad - Daily & Weekly Emails offers a variety of content for all tastes, delivered daily or weekly. Topics include the weekly parsha, current topics, kids, daily study, seasonal messages, and more.

Covenant & Conversation - Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

Each week you will receive Rabbi Sacks' Covenant & Conversation commentary essays in text and audio on the parsha.

Daily Bitachon - Rabbi David Sutton

Building strength from your love, faith, and devotion to Hashem in text and audio format delivered every day. Managed by

Rabbi Pini Dunner - Weekly Emails

Weekly topical articles and videos including messages on the parsha by Rabbi Dunner, Senior Rabbi of YINBH/Beverly Hills Synagogue in California. Rabbi Dunner’s family can trace itself back over 1,000 years and is descended from some of Judaism’s most illustrious rabbis, including the medieval rabbinic luminary “Rashi”, and the revered “Maharal” of Prague.

Embrace Shabbos - Rabbi David Sutton

Embrace Shabbos gives us tools and techniques to unlock the enormous potential that lies in every single Shabbos, as well as stories to inspire us to make Shabbos central in our lives. Weekly email with text and audio by Rabbi David Sutton. Managed by Ateres Shimon.

Inspiration Daily - Rabbi Yechiel Spero

Inspiration Daily is a short text and audio shiur by Rabbi Spero. Topics include: Torah, Tefilla, Happiness, Faith, & Hashkafa. Managed by Ateres Shimon.

Live Life Better - Michael Rothschild

Be the person who speaks positive of everyone and everything.
2 minute motivational video three times a week by Mr. Michael Rothschild, Founder and Director of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation.

Ohr Somayach - Ohrnet

Several email sign up options including Ohrnet - a multi-page weekly email including Torah Weekly, Parsha Q&A, TalmuDigest and Ask The Rabbi.

Parsha Sheets

A one-stop website for weekly Parsha Sheets and Divrei Torah. Nearly 200 links to a variety of Divrei Torah in English and Hebrew from around the world. It also has a searchable database of thousands of Divrei Torah.

The Real World - Reb Yisroel Besser

A daily encounter with reality in a short video and transcript by best selling author Reb Yisroel Besser. Managed by Ateres Shimon.

Shvilei Pinchas - Rabbi Pinchas Friedman

Weekly inspirational articles by Rabbi Pinchas Friedman on the parsha. Choose this option to receive the weekly emails in English: מאמר מתורגם באנגלית

Think Hashem Daily - Rabbi Binyomin Sussman

Very short thought provoking messages to help us think of Hashem every day authored by Rabbi Binyomin Sussman. Managed by Ateres Shimon.

Torah Tavlin - Rabbi Dovid Hoffman

A 2 page weekly email based on the parsha that includes a mashal, a story, halachah, drush, divrei Torah, quotes, sayings, and more. There is something for everyone.

Toras Avigdor - Rav Avidgor Miller

Toras Avigdor was founded with the goal of spreading Rav Miller’s Torah and Hashkafos. We send out a daily “Question and Answer” email to thousands of subscribers. Every week we publish Toras Avigdor on the Parsha. These booklets, distributed in many shuls across the US, are based on the tapes and seforim of the Rov ztz”l, as well as writings of talmidim.

Zera Shimson - Rabbi Shimshon Chaim Nachmani

Selected teachings from the 18th century Italian Talmudic sage, the Zera Shimshon, on the parsha. In his introduction to Sefer Zera Shimshon, Rav Nachmani promises great blessings to those who learn his work.