These Torah websites offer indispensable learning resources and are rich with a wide range of shiurim taught by world-renowned Rabbis and educators.

Aleph Beta

We believe Torah study should be evidence-based, intellectually stimulating, emotionally gripping and relevant to your everyday life. Together with our world-renowned educators, Aleph Beta is building an online library making this amazing material accessible to students around the world.

AlHaTorah's wide array of lenses and modes of analysis helps the learner appreciate the breadth and depth of the Biblical text and its commentaries. It provides the resources, tools, and methodology for active learning with its tree structured, customizable, ever editable and expandable, hyperlinked, and audio-visually integrated commentary.

All Daf

A comprehensive and technologically advanced platform catering to Daf Yomi learners of every level. The platform offers Daf Yomi learners a wide array of content in a user-friendly and easily accessible format. This includes value-added content through relevant Daf-related mini-series, including Jewish History, Tanach, Halacha, and Lomdus.


The official website of Chabad-Lubavitch, the world’s largest Jewish educational outreach organization, offering over 100,000 pages of information in addition to 14,000 audio classes and 10,000 videos.


The worldwide Orthodox minyan database keeping track of all the davening times at all the minyanim in the world. Over 10,000 people a week now find a minyan by using the service.


Hashkifa harnesses the power of storytelling and technology to touch and inspire today’s generation. It produces cutting edge video content in a current and engaging format to communicate a plethora of Torah concepts and values. Presented in Rabbi Yoel Gold’s inimitable style, Hashkifa is a collection of incredible and relatable stories. was founded in order to preserve old American Hebrew books that are out of print and/or circulation. Currently our mission has expanded to include all Torah Seforim ever printed and you will be able to view and print the entire Sefer online. There are over 52,000 classical Hebrew books for free download.


The world's largest Jewish TV network. Rabbi Zamir Cohen is the founder and chairman of the Hidabroot world organization and producer of the first Orthodox Jewish television channel of its kind. The organization’s mission is to use the media as a way to create awareness among the Jewish people with regard to all aspects of Judaism, in an effort to encourage them to reconnect with Hashem. Rabbi Zamir Cohen is also the author of several books.


Brooklyn-based, Sephardic Syrian Rabbis with a wide range of daily and weekly shiurim.

Kol Halashon

Online Torah Shiurim. The full archive now exceeds 180,000 shiurim and represents the largest collection of audio shiurim in the world. In all, more than 500 maggidei shiurim regularly speak on Kol Haloshon.

Ohr Somayach

A world leader in Jewish outreach, Ohr Somayach has been instilling Jewish pride in university students for more than 30 years.

Olami Resources (Powered by Ner LeElef)

A Jerusalem-based foundation dedicated to helping Jews and communities grow around the globe with 1,000s of free Torah resources. The new home of Morasha Syllabus, introducing Jews to Judaism through classes on the most essential features of Judaism, Jewish history, and Jewish life. Also offered in Spanish and French.

OU Torah

Comprehensive website with thousands of shiurim broken down by specific, easy to search categories.

Partners In Torah

Study any Jewish topic with your own private teacher... for free! Want to learn Jewish philosophy, customs, the weekly Torah portion or the Talmud – or simply brush up on your Hebrew-reading skills? No problem, we’ll help you get started.


A living library of Jewish texts and their interconnections, in Hebrew and in translation. Find commentaries, connections and translations across the free, ever-growing library of texts. Sefaria’s library grows to 183 million words: 143 million in Hebrew and 40 million in English translation.

Shas Illuminated

Shas Illuminated has undertaken to present an in-depth shiur, clearly and concisely that will enhance, broaden, and unlock the treasures hidden in each daf.

Simple To Remember

Handpicked Jewish articles, MP3s, and videos. Only the good stuff.

Stories to Inspire

Motivational and spiritual stories based on the Torah's ethics, values and wisdom. Stories are categorized by topic for easy browsing.


Time4Torah creates structured learning programs that helps people learn and retain their Torah with absolute clarity. The Time4Mishna program involves learning 4 new mishnayos each day.

Comprehensive and educational resource of online Torah classes on the weekly Torah portion, Jewish holidays, classic Jewish texts, and Jewish topics of interest.

Torah Anytime

Torah Anytime is the largest library of originally recorded Torah videos in the world, with 70,000+ Torah videos from more than 1,000 different speakers.

Torah Café

The Chabad-based Rohr Jewish Learning Institute's (JLI) online learning division, offers over 5,000 video lectures from some of the world's leading Jewish personalities, including scholars, academics, political figures, authors, and personalities with fascinating human interest stories.

Torah Downloads

Comprehensive library of digitized shiurim. In an effort to preserve and disseminate audio tape shiurim they have converted a number of torah audio tape libraries into MP3 digital format.

Torah Live

Using the power of modern technology with authentic Torah wisdom, Torah Live educates and inspires today's Torah consumers, enabling them to carry the message of Torah into the future. Torah Live: ancient wisdom, modern technology, powerful presentations.

VBM - Yeshivat Har Etzion (Gush)

Taught by experienced scholars, these courses are serious and offer innovative explorations of Tanakh, Talmud, law and thought. Over 10,000 archived classes.

YU Torah

Offers more than 185,000 shiurim via webcast in audio, video and text formats by their Roshei Yeshiva and other YU luminaries.