The following selection of handpicked Rabbis share beautiful and enlightening Torah online.

Rabbi Pini Dunner

Senior Rabbi of YINBH / Beverly Hills Synagogue in California. Rabbi Dunner's expertise spans the worlds of academia, media, business, and the timeless wisdom of Judaism. His articles and videos are on current affairs, history, Bible, Talmud, philosophy, politics, and a host of other subjects. Rabbi Dunner is the author of Mavericks, Mystics & False Messiahs.

Rabbi Eytan Feiner

Rav of Congregation Kneseth Israel, more popularly known as The White Shul, in Far Rockaway, NY. Rabbi Feiner lectures extensively throughout the New York area and beyond, and is the summer Rabbi of Chai Lifeline's Camp Simcha.

Rabbi Manis Friedman

Rabbi Friedman is a Chabad Lubavitch Hassid, Shliach, Rabbi, author, social philosopher and public speaker. He is also the dean of the Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies. His videos are deep, meaningful, insightful, and give a welcome clarity to complex and esoteric ideas.

R. Yitzchak Ginsburgh

Rabbi Ginsburgh is acknowledged as an integrator of the mystical tradition as has not been seen in Judaism for many generations. His work is not only integrative in its nature, it is also seminal, providing serious students of Torah with tools and ideas that will be relevant for hundreds of years to come.  Every lecture that he delivers is a tour-de-force of powerful insight and intellect.

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

Rabbi Glatstein is a rising star in the world of Rabbanus and Torah education. Rav and Morah D’asra of Kehilas Ahavas Yisroel in Cedarhurst, NY, Rabbi Glatstein is a prolific speaker with a global following and is one of the most popular speakers on with over 5,000 shiurim.

Rabbi Dr. Dovid Gottlieb

Senior faculty member at Ohr Somayach in Jerusalem. An accomplished author and lecturer, Rabbi Gottlieb has electrified audiences with his stimulating and energetic presentations on ethical and philosophical issues.

Rabbi Baruch Yehuda Gradon

Rosh Kollel, Merkaz HaTorah Community Kollel. Rabbi Gradon has been instrumental in establishing both the learning program for the Avreichim and creating the community outreach and inreach arms of the Kollel. Rabbi Gradon has served the Los Angeles community with distinction for over three decades.

Mr. Charlie Harary

Although Charlie is not a Rabbi, he is included on this page because he uses Torah wisdom as the foundation to inspire people to take concrete steps to change for the better, live a more fulfilling life and, in turn, impact the world. Charlie is driven by the belief that the potential for greatness resides within every person. He has a great 20 minute daily podcast worth listening to.

Rabbi YY Jacobson

Rabbi Jacobson, is an American Chabad rabbi and speaker from Monsey, New York. He served as editor-in-chief of the Algemeiner Journal, and as a choizer (transcriber) for Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson.

Rabbi Daniel Kalish

Menahel of the Mesivta of Waterbury. Rabbi Kalish has gained acclaim for his wonderful shmoozen that awaken, inspire and encourage people to reach their potential as an Eved Hashem.

Rabbi Paysach Krohn

Rabbi Krohn is a Rav, mohel, author, and lecturer on topics related to ethics and spiritual growth. He is the author of the bestselling "Maggid" series of books for ArtScroll.

Rabbi Baruch Kupfer

Rabbi Kupfer is the Executive Director of Gindi Maimonides Academy in Los Angeles. He teaches an insightful and in-depth Torah class on Chumash. This highly acclaimed class which is filled with teachings from the Talmud and Midrash is also spiced with Chassidic inspiration and Kabbalistic wisdom.

Rabbi Mordechai Lebhar

Rabbi Lebhar is Rosh Kollel of the Los Angeles Intercommunity Kollel (LINK). He has dedicated himself to researching and disseminating the Torah and Minhagim of the Hachamim of Morocco. Founder of Machon Magen Avot, a publishing house dedicated to printing manuscripts of Sephardic Hachamim.

Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz

Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz is the director of Semichah at RIETS as well as the Mara D'atra of Beis Haknesses of North Woodmere. Among the many shiurim Rabbi Lebowitz gives is a very popular Daf Yomi shiur on AllDaf.

Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff

Morah D'Asra of Agudath Israel Bais Binyomin in Brooklyn, NY. Rav Lieff is a respected Talmid Chochom and a warm and dynamic individual and is a sought-after guest speaker.

Rabbi Elazar Muskin

Rabbi Muskin assumed the rabbinic leadership of Young Israel of Century City in January, 1986 leading it to become one of the fastest growing Orthodox synagogues on the West Coast. Rabbi Muskin is currently serving as President of the Rabbinical Council of America, the first Los Angeles Rabbi to be elected to this post. Rabbi Muskin has a particularly insightful online series on tefillah and the siddur.

Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum

Mora D'Asra of Khal Nachlas Yitzchok. Rabbi Oelbaum has influenced an entire generation by his deep Avodas Hashem, his unbounded warmth and his calm reassuring personality. Rabbi Oelbaum is the renowned author of many seforim on Sugios of Shas, Rambam - Hilchos Teshuva and the Haggadah.

R. Yossi Paltiel

Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, Founder of, is a popular teacher and mentor with a gift for communicating his passion for Torah and Judaism. His classes weave together classic commentaries, Jewish Law, history and philosophy, personal stories, and a deep knowledge of Chassidus and Kabbala into a whole that’s both intellectually challenging and heartwarming.

Rabbi Shalom Rosner

Rabbi Rosner serves as rav of Kehillat Nofei Hashemesh and as a Rosh Mesivta at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh. He gives one of the most popular Daf Yomi shiurim on AllDaf.

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt"l (1948 - 2020)

An international religious leader, philosopher, award-winning author and respected moral voice. Since stepping down as the Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth in 2013, Rabbi Sacks has held a number of professorships at several academic institutions. Rabbi Sacks is the author of over 35 books.

Rabbi Fischel Schachter

Rabbi Fischel Schachter is a highly acclaimed and much loved scholar, international lecturer, storyteller, and author. His witty, charming, warm, and down-to-earth style continues to grab the attention of and delight his multitudes of students. Among his many illustrious projects, Rabbi Schachter is a Rebbe in Yeshiva Torah Vodaath in Brooklyn, NY.

Rabbi Yosef Y. Shusterman

Rabbi Shusterman is the Director of Chabad of North Beverly Hills as well as the Rav of the Chabad community in Los Angeles. He serves as a member of the Vaad Rabbonim Lubavitch and sits on the Bais Din. Rabbi Shusterman is recognized worldwide for his knowledge of complex Jewish law.

Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair

Rabbi Sinclair has been part of Ohr Somayach since 1987. He is a senior staff writer of the Torah internet publications Ohrnet, Torah Weekly and Seasons of the Moon.

Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman

Rabbi Wachsman is Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Meor Yitzchok in Monsey and a popular motivational speaker.

Rabbi Moshe Weinberger

Rav of Aish Kodesh in Woodmere, NY. Rav Weinberger is a noted speaker who draws upon a vast array of sources in his shiurim. The diverse currents of the Maharal, Ramchal, Ba'al Shem Tov, Vilna Gaon, Rav Tzadok HaKohen, Rebbe Nachman, The Ba'al HaTanya and others merge within him and are transmitted to countless Jews.